The 6 Marketing Communication Tools Every Business Should Use

Clear the clutter out of your thinking and get back to basics. Keeping things simple just works and so it is with marketing communication tools. The reality is you only need to understand and use six (yes, only six) marketing and sales communication tools.

Every day each of us is bombarded with over 3000 marketing and branding messages. This cacophony of noise along with the million and one so called “marketing gurus” leads to confusion on the best way to communicate to potential and existing customers.

Big Tip #1: Master all six tools and watch your business soar.

  1. In person

Oldest and still the most effective rapport building communication method. Whilst the most expensive communication tool, it offers the highest return on investment.

  1. Email

Fast, cheap and good for short, highly personalised messages. It’s very poor for building rapport. Due to it’s low cost it has become the main communication tool for most businesses leading to “email overwhelm” and a dramatic drop off in it’s effectiveness. Use it with caution.

  1. Physical Mail

In our increasingly digital World, physical mail is coming back due to lack of “comms” clutter, cut through and perception of value. While more costly than email, it’s effectiveness, when done properly, results in a massive return on investment.

  1. Phone

A phone call or text message allows you to communicate in a fast and highly personalised way. It’s easy and fast for both parties and great for short messages, updates etc.

  1. Video

Underutilised tool that buyers love. Great to educate prospects, provide updates, introduce team members etc.

  1. Unexpected Gifts

Unexpected gifts (Wow Kit and Handover Kits) that are highly personalised have the highest impact on customer retention and creating advocates.

Big Tip #2: Brand consistency is important across all the communication tools.

It’s not rocket science to understand why it’s important but it’s an issue most businesses can’t seem to get right. Visual consistency is the easiest to deal with while message consistency, while more difficult, requires a clear brand strategy and message, something many businesses lack.

Big Tip #3: Integrate ALL six tools into your Marketing and Sales Process.

All the communication tools are more powerful when used in the right context and at the appropriate time. Identifying which tool to use through each stage of your Marketing and Sales Process will have you building more valuable customer relationships in no time at all.

Ian Bosler is the founder of Intertype which provides a suite of integrated online and offline communications tools that are configured to help you Stand Out and Get Noticed.

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Published On: March 25th, 2019 / Categories: Marketing Tips For Authors /

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