Business Procedures: All businesses, and that includes printing and publishing businesses need well thought out and documented procedures.

This was a question I was asking too often of the Intertype team. Thankfully meeting up with Linda McMahon from Essential Systems Solutions soon had me on track to eliminating this question within Intertype.

Having grown our printing and publishing business from scratch meant that many of our systems and procedures where in need of some tidying up and being properly documented.

With Linda’s help the project was completed in only 12 weeks and we haven’t looked back AND it was surprisingly easy using Linda’s templates and approach. We are now enjoying time savings, lower stock levels and improved quality; all of which will continue for many years to come.

There are many reasons businesses should consider a similar procedure makeover including:

  • Long hours and feeling drained
  • Being stuck in the office in a daily grind
  • Staff not doing things as they should
  • Putting out fires and continual stress
  • Worrying about cash flow and not enough profit
  • Not being fully present with their families or loved ones
  • Being unable to totally relax on holidays
  • No time to do the things they love

The businesses I know that put time and resources into creating user friendly and properly implemented procedures and systems are reaping the rewards.

Why Do Procedures and Systems Solve These Problems?

  • They give staff clarity to perform tasks at a high standard without micro management – empowering all.
  • They increase efficiency and high quality consistent customer service no matter who is performing the task.
  • Allows delegation of tasks, freeing up yourself or key staff to work in areas best suited to your/their unique skills
  • Creates a great environment, which increases staff retention.
  • When staff do turnover, proven procedures reduce training time and stress for all.
  • Others can step in when someone is away without having to seek lots of instruction.
  • It decreases interruptions when on holidays and when you come back you won’t have a backlog of work.
  • The business owner can reduce work hours; have more days off, more mini breaks, longer holidays or even travel the world.
  • You can do this knowing your business is operating as you and your customers expect which provides peace of mind to enjoy time away from the business.
  • Proven, high standard procedures boost profit while adding enormous value should you wish to attract investors or sell in the future. 

Special Offer for Friends of Intertype

Essential Systems Solutions have made available a generous offer that’s well worth grabbing.

If you are tired of your business running you instead of you running your business, arrange a no-obligation 45 minute Procedure Evaluation Session to identify your quick path to getting back to being in control of your business.

To take advantage of this offer click the link below to leave your details and include “Intertype” in the message area. Linda McMahon will personally be in touch.


Published On: May 29th, 2019 / Categories: Marketing Tips For Authors /

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