Printing Gets Your Message Heard: three ways t0 improve your usage of brochure deliveries to help you grow your business. If you haven’t tried the tips that I’ve mentioned below, how about you try them next time and see if your results improve?

We often have people tell us that they have tried brochure deliveries before – they’ve tried having pamphlets delivered into letter boxes but it doesn’t work. It’s true that any marketing tactic implemented wrongly won’t work but it is possible to use brochures as an effective lead generation source – you just need to make sure that you use them correctly

Consistent Delivery In A Sample Area (you can’t just deliver once)

If you had 10000 brochures you would likely get a better result from delivering your brochure to 3000 houses 3 times then you would delivering the one brochure to 10000 different houses. The reason for this is that consistency is key – consistency and repetition. People need to see your branding more than once in order to remember your brand. If you deliver your brochure to a household once there is not likely to be any ongoing brand recognition. When they do have a need for your product or service, your brand may not be top of mind.

Have A Call To Action On Your Printing Materials

Another way to improve the effectiveness of your brochures as a lead generation tool is to have a call to action on your brochures. This could be a special discount code or the offer of a freebie – something that encourages the person reading your brochure to take action. The other benefit of this is that you can then also track the effectiveness of your brochure deliveries – by tracking the use of your discount codes or redemption of your freebies. For example, maybe if you ran a pizza shop you might offer someone a free garlic bread with the next pizza order if they bring it in the brochure.

Don’t Use Printed Brochures in Isolation

Brochures are a great lead generation tool. They should not necessarily be used in isolation. It may be a great idea for you to combine brochures with a Facebook ad. Facebook ads can be targeted by location and demographics so you can make sure that someone that sees your brochure has the message reinforce on Facebook. Over two thirds of the Australian population has a Facebook account so this may be a good place to advertise your products and service

Brochures are great if they are used effectively. If you’re consistently using brochures in a particular Geographic area you will start to build name recognition. As you have seen, repetition is key and brochures should not be used in isolation.

Published On: April 26th, 2018 / Categories: Marketing Tips For Authors /

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